
A paradox is normal if it doesn't happen often...

We've all got this idea of how we believe things should be, this dream perhaps of a better world than that which we live in. Maybe it's heaven foretold or maybe it's just the fading dreams of yesteryear, and there's nothing left but hell and oblivion. People seem torn between love and hate. Perhaps love makes the earth go around the sun in this dance and dervish of cosmic beauty, the pull that keeps us all just on the edge of living, that made the first human being look up at the stars and suddenly feel both overwhelmed and curious. Much as chaos exists, it exists because the universe is in flux; it is wild and untamed but beautiful nonetheless. Hate is us though. Ever since man first existed we have been sitting at the chess table, trying to figure out the best way to annihilate the other forever, though we loved each other once perhaps. George Washington Carver said to God "Mr. Creator, why did you make the peanut?" Then he made perfume, soap and a hundred other useful products. A scientist said "Chaos and Order, sacred laws of science, what of the atom?" Then he made the nuclear bomb. Contrary to all argument, true religion does not corrupt humanity but rather humanity has corrupted true religion. We were not made for hate but for love, if you believe we were made at all, and if so then it was love that pulled the first human being out of the earth and cooled all but the fire that burns still in the heart, love that made us free from our first breath. If you believe we were made. Nietzsche did not believe we were made and said that a living thing seeks above all to exert it's will. Life is the will to power, or something to that effect. So I suppose if you don't know what you believe then you've got options. Most don't know what they believe. I know this because the phrase "moral dilemma" is a common enough phrase to let me know that people can't make up their minds. So this mass idea of what should be isn't really a mass idea at all, just something nice for people to quote and preach on from time to time because we like nice things. I know I'm supposed to put the bottom line up front, but then it wouldn't be the bottom line, would it? So here's the bottom line, at the bottom where it very well should be: if I hear another song on the radio about changing the world sung by a pop icon who's songs normally float somewhere between pimping and killing, I'm going postal.


Just opened this...

I have never written a blog. My husband has, and this is pretty much going to be a family blog between the two of us. I miss reading his blogs. He hasn't done much, if any blogging since he has been in Iraq. We have a 5 month old daughter, Keala. I wanted a space to put up pictures and videos of our family with commentary. It is nothing too special, obviously not original or new, but I am now on board. About time, right? Kind of like the whole Facebook and Twitter thing (I am still not Tweeting). Everybody is doing it, so why the heck not!?! I am sure either my husband or I will offend someone at some point or another. We are both very opinionated and passionate about topics an issues, sometimes just for the heck of it. My only advice is to not take anything personal...unless we name you specifically. So, here it goes...my first blog.